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Mendon cemetery will have veterans’ memorial by late May

March 25th, 2011 Posted in Opinion

Story and photo by Teresa Nield

MENDON — A large hole and a pile of dirt currently lying at the Mendon City cemetery will soon become a memorial dedicated to veterans.

Mike Buist, who is in charge of fund-raising, said the project began last summer and is expected to be finished in time for Memorial Day.

The need for a veteran’s memorial was pitched to the City Council after several veterans living in Mendon expressed the need for it. Buist gave a presentation to the council last July, and asked that the city donate the land necessary to build a memorial. All council members seemed in favor with some small concerns about maintenance for the memorial. Despite the small concerns, the approval for the memorial was given very quickly.

The money for the project is all coming from donations and fund-raising. Buist said the city is “in the middle of fund-raising” because there is still some left to do.

The labor for the project will be provided by volunteers. Buist also said they are trying to get some Eagle Scouts involved and the community has been very supportive, especially several World War II Veterans still living in Mendon.

City councilman and designer of the memorial, Bret Fonnesbeck, said the design they have planned was designed as such for ease of construction and to be inexpensive. “Several people around town have volunteered to help, we are just waiting on the weather,” he said. Since a memorial is hard to build on wet ground, it won’t be built until the wet March weather is finished.


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